HEY YIBO STANS stop making thread abt how yibo wearing a durag isn’t ca when 1 you aren’t black 2 black people keep telling you the opposite and 3 it’s so obviously ca
as a black person I have spoken to several of my black moots and most of us agree it is a appropriation of are culture
I agree that yibo due to being in china isn’t the most educated and that we should educate i’m instead of canceling I get that you don’t want him to get hated on I get that but dismissing it as if it’s not wrong is not the answer it is cultural appropriation
I’ve made a whole thread of cultural appropriation in cpop yibo has been on it several time so at this point it needs to be addressed https://twitter.com/crown_lqz/status/1286879665005633538
but please stop speaking over and invalidating black people who are offended by yibos actions stop it just stop it bc we have struggle so much and you invalidating our struggles doesn’t help
plus if yibo really does appreciate and love hiphop culture he can do it without wearing a durag he already dances hiphop and that’s enough he doesn’t have to try and look like us to appreciate us
also if your saying it’s hiphop culture you need to really stfu bc guess who created hiphop and practically every other music genre on the market...oh wait ITS BLACK PEOPLE
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