I am having big big problems with RJ's depiction of the Seanchan as providing so many benefits for local people. It has big "Nazis made the trains run on time" energy.
I blame Hugo Boss uniforms and too many sexed-up depictions of Nazi Germany as clean and efficient and so effective. And the Western fetishization of imperial Japan's "noble" honor culture.
We need to remember these regimes as horrifying, incompetent, and disgusting, not "good outcomes for most people, but at what cost?"
The (spoiler).
Tuatha'an actively seeking out Seanchan areas is kind of the last straw of credibility there for me. Authoritarians do NOT tolerate nomads or "deviance" like this.
It makes no sense that they would find peace in those areas. Name me a group of nomads NOT heavily persecuted by nation-states in the real world. No such thing.
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