I've seen a lot of hate going around towards ppl whose fav characters are the anti heroes with many negative traits, often even monstrous criminals. Specifically viewing those types of characters as soft, hurt or endearing is often reviewed badly in the fandom /part1
What those criticising the choice of those people fail to realise is that they don't like those characters just to be edgy. They don't want to romanticise or even condone the actions of their fav characters. Fiction isn't always applicable to morals in the real world /part 2
It's not about how fans view a problematic character, it's how they view themselves. The reason people like characters with dark personalities is because they can relate to them better than to idealised heroes who only experience small sways from the right path /part 3
Meanwhile, a lot of people in this world don't know what their path is anymore. Many carry guilt from past mistakes with them, even if those flaws might seem small to others. They feel monstrous, evil, perhaps inhuman and want to project those feelings onto fiction /part 4
No matter how bad someone may feel about themselves, they still want to experience love and forgiveness - not ignorance - in face of who they truly are (or who they perceive themselves as). And they want that forcharacters with those bad traits they see in themselves /part 5
The reason people call a character who's a war criminal 'baby' is not bc they think murder is cool and okay. Its because they themselves feel like murderous creatures and want to feel loved and accepted for even their darkest parts. It's a coping mechanism /part 6/end thread
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