Rules: I’ll ask character building questions about your MC. You have to comment or QRT with your answer. I’ll not write the questions in a logical order (but just put them when ideas come out of my brain). Feel free to skip questions.
1 • What is your MC’s name? What is their name origin? What does it mean (if it ever has a meaning).
2 • When is their birthday? How old are they?
What about their zodiac sign? (bonus point if you give their rising or even their birth/natal chart)
3 • What is your MC’s gender? And what are their sexual/romantic preferences?
4 • What is your MC’s race? (human, demon, angel, other). If human, what are their nationality and origins?
5 • Before coming to Devildom, what was their occupation? (job, studies...)
6 • Height? Weight? Describe their body type.
7 • Who is/are your MC’s love interest(s) (if they ever have one). Summarise their dynamic.
8 • Does your MC have any specific appearance features? (Scars, marks, anything else)
9 • Does your MC have any disabilities? (physical, mental health, etc). How do they deal with it?
10 • How do you imagine your MC’s voice? Describe it.
11 • Does your MC have any tattoos or piercings? Just tell us more about it!
12 • Describe their clothing style (if they have a favorite style). Do they have specific accessories?
Bonus question: how do they wear RAD uniform?
13 • Is your MC able to use magic? If so, are they skilled? How do they learn? Were they able to use it before coming to Devildom?
14 • Describe your MC’s parents (names, jobs, personalities). Do they have any siblings? What is their relationship with their family?
15 • How many language do they speak? Which ones?
16 • What is their relationship with each brothers?
17 • What is their relationship with each side characters?
18 • What is your MC’s main hobbies and passions?
19 • Why do they ended up in Devildom in the first place? What happened to them?
20 • What is your MC’s MBTI type?
21 • Do they have pact with each bro?
Do they often use their pacts? In which situations?
22 • What is their favorite place in Devildom?
23 • Which sin fit them the most?
24 • Describe their personality.
25 • What is their moral alignment?
26 • Does your MC possess an object/something especially dear to their heart?
27 • Which character(s) do they consider as their best friend(s)?
28 • Choose a song that fits your MC.
29 • What are your MC’s religious beliefs?
30 • Describe what is inside your MC’s school bag.
31 • Describe their appearance (pic refs are ofc allowed).
32 • What is your MC’s greatest fear?
33 • Is your MC Lilith’s descendant? If yes, how did they react when they learn about it?
34 • Do they have a pet/animal? (No, the brothers don’t count) (I’m kidding right)
35 • What are their grades like? (In Devildom)
36 • Do you think they have any other friends in Devildom aside the characters game? Or do they just stay with them?
37 • What is their favourite food? (Beelzebub is asking this)
38 • Do they have any specific talent? (artistic, random fact, etc)
39 • Who is the person they rely on when not feeling well?
40 • How did they decorate their bedroom in the House of Lamentations? I mean, the game’s MC bedroom is cool but we all know it need customisation. If your MC does not live with the bros, just describe their bedroom.
41 • Are they a heavy or light sleeper? How many hours of sleep do they get? Do they have insomnia or do they fall asleep easily? Just describe your MC's sleep habits.
42 • What is your MC's Devilgram username?
43 • Does your MC have a part-time job during the exchange? If yes, where in Devildom?
44 • How do they deal with the exchange program at first? Do they adapt easily in Devildom? Was it hard for them to be far away from the human world? Were they excited of in panic?
45 • Do your MC’s relatives/friends know they are in Devildom? How do they deal with their absence? Tbh I’m just wondering what is happening during the exchange program since in the game, MC didn’t really choose to be there.
46 • How do they feel when they have to leave Devildom for the first time after their first one year exchange? Did they just return to the occupation they had before the exchange program? Did this experience change them? (Sorry these questions are more for human MC)
47 • Describe your MC’s D.D.D: phone case, wallpaper...
48 • How do they react to praise? How do they react to criticism?
You can follow @cerise_noire8.
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