The ecosystem wants to hijack an entire Hindu religious festival. #Onam
Here is the thing, if a lot of other people want to celebrate Onam, nothing prevents them from doing it. Just like loads of Hindu informally participate in Christmas. I mean Rajdeep's family even attends mass. Although that maybe another story.
Instead of saying Onam is a cool Hindu festival and we like to take part in it, they want to completely hijack the festival and build new myths around it. I feel that ultimately this is a result of intolerance towards Hinduism.
It is also tactical. They want to take all the money making capacity of institutional Hinduism (mission already accomplished), all ability to disburse social goods (pretty much done deal), now the final frontier - take all the fun from Hinduism. Snatch the best parts. KO!
Check out the tier 2 OTG and some RoP handles directly on warpath on social media. This is the question they are directly asking: what exactly is Hinduism giving the random or median Hindu? No money, no institutional advantage or even protection. Now - NO FUN! See?
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