Hi I’m a working class disabled sex worker who donates my not-so-copious free time and occasionally money to Bluestockings as part of their fundraising team and I promise you we don’t have Lehman Brothers cash lying around https://twitter.com/aurabogado/status/1299777962389114880
I don’t know what the extent of Brooke’s involvement was but I know she hasn’t been involved in years, something @aurabogado could have found out if she’d, like, asked, instead of jumping to slander one of the few remaining radical spaces for people like me in the city
Like what exactly should rich people be doing with their money if not supporting projects like this? To then assume that we’re set for the rest of forever...
Anyway! Looks like I’m back from vacation lol. Will catch up on replies/DMs/emails tomorrow evening
A pet project of a Lehman Brothers heir...honestly truly good lord ...do y’all ever talk to people privately before tweeting crap out to the whole wide world
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