THREAD - In case we oust Trumpdom, please know:

When conservatives lose or societal moral-commonsense shifts against them, they immediately begin talking about the importance of "Forgiveness" and "Reconciliation" so that "We can heal as a country."

Critical thinking is key:

What's not healthy is reflexively taking the words of leaders (and esp. oppressors) at face-value. This is why we have terms like "propaganda" or the idea that the things people say can be self-serving and yet also hide their interests. 2/10
What talk of reconciliation really means in such situations is: "We want to look virtuous by apologizing, but we do not want to face any consequences for our years of rapacious exploitation and violence, and we definitely don't want to lose any of our power!" 3/10
Knowing History is key:

The reconciliation playbook emerged after Confederacy lost. US leaders failed that test. The Southern oligarchy ultimately got to remain in power and basically re-institute slavery. Read @ProfCAnderson on end of Reconstruction 4/10
When temporarily vulnerable oppressors and their spokespeople wax eloquent about reconciliation, they are trying to shift public sympathy toward them and against those calling for them to face consequences and lose power.

Dirty little secret: This works unless we reject it! 5/10
There is a magic in the politics of sympathy, especially since it works through otherwise ordinary emotions that we do not tent to reflect on. Read @kate_manne on Himpathy.

The same destructive social-magic is often at work in talk of reconciliation 6/10
Think about Confederate statues, the people who refer to them as "our leaders," and school curricula that teach the Civil War wasn't about slavery but "our values" of freedom against outside aggression

This is because we never cleaned up the mess, but sought reconciliation. 7/10
A problem in the US is also our long history of Christian ideals being naturalized in society

Many people, including those who were victimized, gravitate toward pleas for reconciliation and forgiveness without critically thinking about the politics of who is asking and why 8/10
If we defeat the oppressors:

When their White Christian Nationalist mouthpieces whine for reconciliation and decry the merciless #BLM and Liberal hoards, don't be fooled. Make them own that they're all talk and just don't want to take responsibility and lose power. 9/10
Let's demand our leaders get things right this time around and clean up the mess! Demand that our leaders sympathize and identify not with the oppressors, but with the vast oceans of their victims. And btw, that's the only way any true reconciliation and healing happens. 10/10
To be clear about something: This thread isn't "attacking Christianity."

Above versions of forgiveness and reconciliation are evil theology. And many Black Christian leaders have been brilliantly articulating this critique for generations!
My friend Brian Rainey of @ptseminary has long brought the đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„ here.
Check out the Jesus of GLuke. Following him entailed making restitution and the rich divesting of possessions. Oops! Doesn't really square with the reconciliation and 'Biblical Capitalism' on offer from White Evangelicalism. See @KeddieTony
Shouldn't Christians be horrified at a reconciliation that serves the powerful and masks exploitation? Is the reconciliation peddled by Christian ministers (of elite propaganda) that involves no responsibility but the ability to continue victimizing what you want?
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