@realDonaldTrump I am a supporter & until recently I was against masking up. My brother works at Tampa General Hospital & has changed my mind abt all of this. Here’s why: There are a lot of ppl with pre existing conditions. ie heart, obesity, etc
There are few ppl in this country who do not have pre existing conditions hence the younger ppl. In the beginning masks didn’t work bc the particles are too small. Two ppl have to wear them to keep the particles from spreading.
What is scary abt #Covid is a guy who lives in his building now has it. He went to a party. Contracted it. He has no pre-existing conditions. Drs can’t figure out why he has it. So that’s what makes #Covid so scary. Someone w/no diseases contracted it & the Drs don’t know why.
Please be pro-mask and you should probably have Dr. Fauci back on TV if he has something new to say abt this.
FYI, this healthy guy who contracted #Covid will die. He may not make it through the night.
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