Honestly every stage of development for rationalism was fine until secularists took over. Nothing wrong with the likes of Kepler, whose research was motivated by a higher spiritual goal to find the "music of the spheres."Only became detrimental when God and spirit were removed
Whether you "grugposters" and "monke" LARPers like it or not, logic and reason have their place in the human condition. The material world is governed by natural laws, and understanding those laws allows us to understand, appreciate and make use of God's work even more.
The issues arose when the Cartesian & later schools of rational skepticism isolated human reason as the sole way to view reality, excluding passion, love, pain, spiritual revalation, etc. Creating a sterile material world w/o spirit or meaning, dismissing all other possibilities
And such a world was only made possible by the guys on the other side. Your hardcore faith guys like Martin Luther who insisted that faith and reason couldn't coexist. That projecting any spiritual significance onto the material world (or anything outside the Bible) would corrupt
So please understand that when you wholly reject science, logic, etc you are providing the same exact soil that all the modern ideological plagues like atheism, nihilism, etc sprang from.
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