I find anti-body-positivity so weird. Like "No, I REFUSE to accept that I deserve to feel comfortable in my body at any size!!! I want to be miserable! My pants size is my LIFE!" Like, okay then.
Our society really has trained us to be so afraid of being overweight, by any amount, that people would rather hate themselves forever than accept that they can be confident no matter what clothes size they wear or what number is on the scale.
Lots of people are like "oh losing weight is a CRIME now", and no. It's not. Losing weight is my goal too. But it's not what dictates my worth as a human, nor yours. You deserve to feel confident NOW, in your journey, as well as at the end. You're not a before and after pic
And maybe your goal isn't weight loss. That's fine! Weight loss, weight gain, muscle training...these are just ways your body can change. It's got nothing to do with your worth or your right to feel confident. We're all on different paths and our bodies reflect that.
It's not your body that matters, it's your health. And healthy doesn't mean skinny, it doesn't mean fat, it doesn't mean buff. It means healthy. Healthy doesn't LOOK any one way. And that's body positivity. Health and happiness, regardless of what you look like.
And whatever healthy looks like for you, you deserve to feel confident in that body. That goes to every single person. Whatever body that might be. You don't need validation from anyone. This is the journey I've been on.
You're beautiful and worthy and valuable right now. Regardless of what your body is like or what your journey is or your ultimate goal. In this moment, right now, you have worth no matter how your body changes or has changed.
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