Here at the Red Wagon in Riverfront park ahead of the #Spokaneprotest following the shooting of #JamesBlake. People are slowly gathering as a speech from MLK plays over the sound system
Andre Davis (overalls)has come to every protest in Spokane since June.

“This is my way of contributing to the fight. It’s ridiculous what happened to James Blake,” Davis said “We see so many different types of people out here because it’s to make a better America for everybody”
Speakers starting at the #Spokaneprotest with leaders encouraging attendees to register to vote
Roomates, Kevin Kunitz and Evan Manning said they came out to engage with their community at this “pivotal time in our history”
Manning just moved to Spokane earlier this month to pursue his masters at Gonzaga.

“For me it’s just kind of getting the feel for the community and understanding people’s pain,” Manning said.“I think it’s a pivotal time in our country’s history.”
President of the Spokane NAACP, Kurtis Robinson, now speaking saying he’s tired of coming out and protesting- he wants to see change.
The crowd continues to grow at the #Spokaneprotest
I would estimate a couple hundred people are in attendance.
A growing line of cars are pulling over on Spokane Falls Blvd to watch and honk in agreement with protestors
Crowd has grown a bit, leaders say they’re getting ready to march.
March is headed across the Monroe Street Bridge to the Spokane County Courthouse then ending at Spokane City Hall, NAACP says
And the march is moving!
About 10 members of the Eastern Washington University women’s basketball team came to march together.

The women said attending together showcase the diverse team’s sisterhood.

“It’s our way of demonstrating we’re here for our teammates” saidTatiana Reese, a junior.
Rusty Nelson is holding a Veterans for Peace flag in today’s march. The Vietnam veteran said he thinks as a pacifist the slogan defund the police should be changed to “defund violence- demilitarize police”
Passing the courthouse now with armed Sheriff’s deputies behind a barricade
Protestors did a large loop around the courthouse complet and are now headed up Boone. (Pictures is only the second half of the long line of protesters)
Flathead Tribe member, Philip Garcia said he’s protesting today because everyone should be equally represented in America.

“Any person who is not being represented needs to be represented somehow, some way, by someone - so we choose to do this,” Garcia said.
The protest continues through the Stevens Street Tunnel.
After a momentary pause at the red wagon the protest heads to city hall
The protest has arrived at city hall. – bei Spokane City Hall
City council member, Betsy Wilkerson, is here and said “protest can lead to progress” before encouraging people to vote.
Have yet to see a real counter protester presence at today’s demonstration.
A few people in Trump gear and a couple men who refuse to identify themselves wearing gun shirts, one man open carrying but no visibly organized opposition.
And just after I tweeted that four cars with Trump flags sped by on Spokane Falls Blvd. with a few Trump supporter bystanders cheering them on
Protest has dispersed for the most part! Story coming soon.
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