Everyone hates Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, which is fine, but I am curious exactly what people think he should have done. Seems like the mayors of these cities are caught between multiple powerful forces pulling in completely incommensurate directions.
Is there a mayor people think has done well & reacted properly to all this? Some standard against which to measure other mayors?
The answers here are all some version of "get the police under control," which I totally agree with, but what I'm trying to get clear on is whether Wheeler has been notably *worse* on this than other mayors.
I mean, if it's the case that every big-city Democratic mayor is incapable of reigning in police forces/unions, that is extremely bad! It's a structural problem that needs solving. But it's not clear how booting Wheeler would solve it.
Ah, here's a good thread from @JoAnnPDX with some thoughts on reform (h/t @millennial_debt). https://twitter.com/JoAnnPDX/status/1283215326197370884
Also strongly recommend this thread from a local. https://twitter.com/BritishPodcast/status/1300105289522270213
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