☼ thread of buffy/spike parallels over the course of btvs ☽
will try to do these in order but i'll probably forget some, so i'll add them out of order as i remember them too
2.03 school hard - the red smudges
2.03 school hard and 2.07 lie to me - they both invade a party, blaming impulsivity
2.07 lie to me - they both interrogate their love interests about having met up with each other
2.07 lie to me + 2.10 what's my line, part 2 - attacking their significant other is their weak spot
2.10 what's my line, part 2 - whatever this is
2.10 what's my line, part 2 + 2.14 innocence - angel taunts their sexual prowess
late season two + 2.18 killed by death - both temporarily in wheelchairs
becoming 1 + 2 - both have a tension between wanting a significant other back and saving the world
becoming 1 + 2 - they both face off with and take out their ex
becoming 1 + 2 - this line is obviously a joke abt the fact that buffy will have to kill angel bc there's no other way
becoming 1 + 2 - they both leave town
(obv the point of a lot of these is that spike is the more selfish/vampire version of buffy. but they're still parallels)
2.22 becoming, part 2 + 6.21 two to go - this dialogue
i was dumb and should've used this screenshot for this one. the lines are really similar.
3.01 anne and 3.08 lovers walk - both are shells of themselves after a relationship ends, then they have a fight and find themselves again
3.08 lovers walk and 3.20 the prom - both cry on willow about their breakups
3.04 beauty and the beasts and 3.08 lovers walk - "love's dog" versus "love's bitch"
3.01 anne and 3.08 lovers walk - maybe reaching, but they both also go back to a person they love at the end of the episode
4.03 the harsh light of day - both rebounding, both make fun of each other's rebounds
4.03 the harsh light of day - both mock each other's desirability too (related: "and you're with harmony. what, did you lose a bet?")
4.07 the initiaitive, 4.13 the i in team, 4.19 new moon rising (and others) - both shown many times in juxtaposition w/ initiative aesthetics or in initiative drag
(this happens w/ other characters like oz, willow and xander too, but it happens w/ spike and buffy the most)
4.08 pangs - both desire home and belonging during the holidays (spike in a joke way, but that's the point)
4.09 something blue - constant parallel violence, threats, and lovey language
// tw: seeing red - i'm sorry but it fits

4.09 something blue + 6.19 seeing red - they both have an association between love and violence that the writing presents as bad

// tw: seeing red

this is kinda the whole point of their storyline though tbh. both of them needing to get over that association--which they eventually do through each other. both make parallel refs to fire.

4.10 hush + 4.11 doomed - they both have secret supernatural identities that they hide from riley (terribly)
4.13 the i in team - they both get surveilled and hunted by the initiative
4.01 the freshman + 4.06 wild at heart - they both deliver a dramatic monologue that gets interrupted by a pratfall [1/2]
4.01 the freshman + 4.06 wild at heart - they both deliver a dramatic monologue that gets interrupted by a pratfall [2/2]
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