When the Muslims of Palestine claim it is their land and the Jewish people are "occupiers", know they are lying. They are going against the very Abrahamic God they purport to follow, Muhammad being the "self-declared" final prophet.
They say it was the land of the Canaanites, so therefore it’s not Jewish land. But they ignore it was promised to the Jewish people by the same God they claim to follow. As the Canaanites were polytheists, if they had survived, Islam would have slaughtered them anyway.
They are saying that the Old Testament is lying. The Abrahamic God, who Muhammad called Allah, promised that land to the Jewish people well before Muhammad created his “religion” and started his never ending campaign of brutality & slaughter against all non Muslims.
Just because Muhammad turned against Jews & Christians, declaring himself "final prophet" doesn’t justify the continued brutality of Islam. Islam is the most brutal & inhumane religion in our history, killing millions of innocents who refused to accept Muhammads word.
Further, what the followers of Islam have done to the Dharmic people of India, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists & Sikhs is inexcusable and should be condemned by all people of our world. It is the most brutal and largest holocaust in our human history.
It was wholesale destruction of one of the most ancient civilizations on our planet. Thank God they did not succeed in their mission to end Hinduism and other Dharmic faiths. That would have been pure tragedy for the entire world.
How long will the world continue to accept Islam’s brutality. ISIS, Al Qaeda & the hundreds terrorists groups in our world today are all carrying out Muhammads own example exactly as Islam has historically done.
Muhammads self proclaimed goal per the Quran is for Islam to prevail over all. I have nothing against any of my fellow human beings, as we are all divine, but I have serious issue with Islam. It is the worst thing to have happened to the human race.
Islam never intends to adapt to any society but Islam so it remains at odds with the world. It is a historical fact wherever Muslims are in the minority, they claim to be persecuted. This is per Islam's design, per Muhammads example.
They will continue to claim this victimhood until Islam becomes the way of the land on which they live, at which point, all others not following Islam will in fact be persecuted and become the real victims. Victims of Islam. This is as it's been throughout Islam's history.
Muhammad tried to push his new religion on those surrounding him. When people rejected, he & his followers became victims & attacked those choosing not to believe his religion. This has repeated throughout history, Muslims forever the victims until Islam becomes the rule of law.
Anyone who actually reads the Quran & Hadith & studies the real history of Islam knows how inhumane it is & recognizes the largest driver of terrorism in our world today is Islam. It will destroy our world unless it does massive reform and rejects large portions of the Quran.
I was raised Christian & understand the truth of these Abrahamic religions. There is nothing Godly in the wholesale death & destruction they've inflicted on our planet. Erasing & destroying entire civilizations. Islam being the worst offender with Christianity a close second.
It started with Judaism & their demonization of polytheists who had existed on our planet for millennia before them. Thankfully the Jewish people evolved and realize they cannot continue to persecute others & survive in our modern world. Christianity & Islam still don’t get it.
This wholesale hatred & demonization of polytheists intensified with Christianity. Christians also turned against Jews & expanded their supremacist Abrahamic religion beyond the Middle East beginning the Christian conquest of the world that destroyed countless civilizations.
This Abrahamic hatred for all other religions reached a fevered pitch when Muhammad declaring himself as the final prophet of this “Abrahamic God” calling him Allah and creating his own religion Islam.
Islam has unleashed more death and destruction on humanity than any war since it came into existence, all in the name of Allah. Hundreds of millions of innocent human beings slaughtered in the name of Allah. Hundreds of millions enslaved. Millions raped. Civilizations destroyed.
The influence of Abrahamic religions is so bad in our modern world, they still refuse to recognize the greatest holocaust in our human history. That of Islam against the Dharmic people of India, including Hindus, Jains, Buddhists & Sikhs.
Islamic invaders wreaked wholesale destruction on the people of India, more than 80 million slaughtered, 10’s of thousand of temples destroyed, universities destroyed, history erased, millions enslaved, millions raped. The most brutal chapter in our human history.
Far more brutal than the Jewish holocaust committed by Christians against Jews & celebrated by Muslims, yet ignored & whitewashed by the Abrahamic dominated West & Middle East.

Throughout history, Abrahamic faiths have not only targeted polytheists, they have targeted each other
Christians claiming only they are correct, Jews claiming only they are correct, Muslims claiming only they are correct. They have unleashed endless suffering, chaos, death and civilizational destruction on the world.
My question for rational human beings, how long will we continue to let Abrahamic religions terrorize the world with their self declared righteousness? Today Christianity & Islam target India considering it their mission for God to end the last ancient polytheistic civilization
Christianity & Islam still seek to end Hinduism & are lying to the world calling Hindus Nazis & fascists. Falsely claiming Hindus are persecuting them. Hindus are not persecuting them, they're struggling to survive against the continued onslaught of Abrahamic bigotry against them
Both Islam & Christianity continue on their path of civilizational destruction, but only the Jewish people have evolved in the way they deal with other religions. They themselves having faced persecution & genocide at the hands of Christians & Muslims understand how wrong it is.
To understand how twisted the world of Abrahamic faiths is, Nazi’s were Christians. They committed a brutal holocaust against the Jewish people. Islam has throughout history targeted both Jews and Christians in addition to their brutal actions against polytheists. . .
. . .but when Hitler was slaughtering Jews, Muslims in the middle east were celebrating. Such is the historical Islamic hatred of the Jewish people. The only ones they hate more are the polytheists.
In our modern world, both Christianity & Islam continue to demonize polytheists just as they have done throughout history. They are against each other, but in India they jsbr banded together politically on the left to target their ancient enemy, the polytheists, Hinduism.
Christians never fully evolved in our modern world. They still feel it their “God” given right to invade other nations with missionaries trying to end their way of life & replace it with their Christian God. Due to societal constraints they stopped their outright brutality.
Today they no longer hold inquisitions & commit genocides of innocent human beings of different faith, but still try to end the Dharmic civilization of India & spend billions every year in that effort. They turn people of India against their culture driving extremism.
Islam is far worse. They have not evolved past the times of Muhammad. They have their terrorist networks continuing the work of Islam as conducted in the times of Muhammad. Then they have “moderate Muslims” who claim terrorists do not represent Islam. That is a lie.
Terrorists organizations are following Islam as intended by Muhammads own example.

Then you have new converts who have no clue about Islam, it’s history, or what the Quran really calls for. They’ve been sold on the lie that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
For all Muslims that actually understand Islam, be they fundamentalist or moderate, they literally believe that Islam will prevail over the entire world. The sooner the rest of us wake up to this fact, a fact called for specifically in their most holy of books, the Quran. . .
. . .the sooner we as humanity can correct the wrongs Islam is inflicting on the world. WE MUST ADMIT THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM. Staying in denial will mean the eventual destruction of the world as we know it.
Why do you think, in our modern history there have been so many new Islamic nations created, declaring Islam as the state religion & enacting some form of Sharia law based on Islam? They’re dong exactly as their religion and the Quran call for. Exactly as Muhammad wished.
Adopting principles of western culture is against Islam. Accepting the traditions of the truly ancient Dharmic faiths of India is against Islam. Muslims will not go against Islam, they hold it above all, including the law of the non Islamic nations they live in.
Unless massive reform of Islam happens, death, chaos & destruction will continue, not ending until as called for in the Quran, Islam prevails over the entire world. That's the truth of Islam. Time to wake up & stop trying to appease a religion that's against your very way of life
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