Isn’t it kind of arrogant that one girl who directed a “cinematic” porno once upon a time thought she could single-handedly end stigma for sex work by doing a no-nude OnlyFans?
Oh you gave up so much, not an ounce of actual sex work and 2 million dollars. The hardship.
Listen I’m really not trying to go as hard on Bella because I think Onlyfans is the biggest culprit in it. Always neglecting the people that made them famous but prioritizing the non-sex working celebrities. But that was a pretty arrogant apology and reasoning.
People don’t really understand how delicate the industry is when you are trying to use your apparent massive platform to advocate. Liking sex and being sexually expressive does not give you nearly the same amount of insight as you would need as non-high-income sex workers. Imo.
The majority of people on OF are not top 5% and it’s certainly not a great thing for people who work hard for their income in sex work just for a celeb to come in and be like I understand you I was just trying to help you but also I don’t really get it at all.
Elitist sex work politics has existed for hundreds of years. Rich, white, skinny sex workers have always had an easier time in receiving less stigma. So it’s a bit offensive to think you’d have at all the same experience as a regular sex worker going in rich and famous.
Especially not even doing sex work but using the platform they made... whilst trying to say you understand the stigma... whilst condescendingly not realizing rich white famous people are not the reason sex work has advanced this far socially.
I think the intention is nice and I know pissing off sex workers is one of the biggest bombs of attack for someone to go under fire for but it’s not without reason. Sex Workers aren’t helpless and never have been and her apology was a bit condescending and not well executed.
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