why i’m upset about jughead’s lack of mental illness/emotional trauma symptoms in riverdale: a thread.
(or me getting my emotions out in a tweet.)
in the therapy episode, jughead talks to the school psychologist.
in the session they talk solely about jughead’s poor behaviour toward his father- even though he was just trying to do the right thing.
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here’s some of the things they should’ve touched on.
- his mom leaving him when he was younger
- his strained relationship with his father due to years of alcoholism and possible abuse (which we will discuss later lmao)
- bullied since grade school
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- witnessed like- what? 3 suicides
- he was homeless for a while because that was better than living with his dad.
-he says this in 1x13 and they never revisit the obvious depressive thoughts expressed in this scene.
back to the possible abuse- there are multiple scenes where fp grabs, pushes, or yells at jughead. in 2x07 fp hits the glass with his hand and jughead instinctively flinches away, before looking at archie worriedly. (couldn’t find better quality, sorry)
he said fred used to pick up fp from the bar and lay him down on the couch in the trailer. fred would also ask jug if he was hungry and jughead says “i always was.” (that’s a big part of his character, but isn’t it the parent’s job to feed their kids?)
end of thread.
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