#StarWarsSunday 'What if?!' Concluding the Jedi Academy Trilogy WI about Gantoris surviving. To recap, he and Kyp are Sith Lords and have the Sun Crusher. Luke Skywalker is in a state of near death.
Gantoris and Kyp use the Sun Crusher on a heavily populatred Imperial world, and declare to the galaxy that the Sith have returned. As Leia is about to go to Yavin, she is brought to Mon Mothma, who names her interim Chief of State. She has to deal with the Sith.
In the Senate, there are calls to close the Jedi Academy. Barely, thanks to Borsk Fey'yla, the proposal fails. Han and Lando make their way to Yavin, where the students are divided about what to do.
Mara, Kam and Corran Horn want to track down Gantoris and Kyp. Tionne and Brakiss want to stay and help fight Exar Kun. The remaining students begin to think about leaving. Cilgahl however takes charge and suggests both need to be done.
Han and Lando take the Jedi to hunt down. The Sith track down Admiral Daala, and use 2 torpedos to destroy the remote system she hid in, and what's left of her fleet. But with 1 torpedo left, they decide to use it on the Maw Installation.
At Yavin, Streen decides to set up Exar Kun. As Kun makes his presence known, the students show up. Tionne found a way to defeat Kun once and for all, and together they join in the Force. Kun is defeated, and Luke wakes up. He knows where the Sith are going.
Han and the Jedi catch up to Gantoris and Kyp. Kyp is convinced by Han to talk, and they do at an old mining station. They sense Kun has been destroyed but Gantoris says nothing will change. Han and Lando can live. The Jedi must die.
Han and Lando focus on Kyp, while Mara, Kam and Corran focus on Gantoris. Kyp seems to be wearing down, but Gantoris will no longer hear any of this. He quickly kills Kam and cuts off Corran Horn's arm then battles Mara.
Kyp watches the fight, and feeling his anger rise attacks Han and Lando, not fatally. He goes to join the fight but is stopped by Luke Skywalker.
Gantoris and Mara both see Luke, while Mara says it's about time he showed up, Gantoris tells him he won't stop the Sith. But also he has a choice, save his friends or stop them. Seeing Han and Lando out, Kam dead and Corran wounded, he knows they can't fight now.
As they leave, Mara almost chews out Luke but he says he knows they are going to Kessel. Han and Lando get up, and while Kam is burned on a pyre, they get in the Falcon and hop to Kessel. R2 flies Luke's X-Wing back to Yavin.
The Sith make their way to the Maw, and realize the resonance torpedo will not detonate naturally. They must use the dark side to trigger the destructive mechanism, and only together can they achieve this.
The remaining Imperials there make sure the Death Star prototype is ready as they see the Sun Crusher coming back. But they have a problem already there: Chewbacca has lead a New Republic commando team to rescue the Wookiee slaves. And they are succeeding.
The Falcon arrives, just as the Sun Crusher fires its last torpedo. Using the Force, Luke, Mara and Corran wrest control away from the Sith and send it into the maw cluster. Using the guns, Lando takes out the weapons. But Gantoris wants to ram the Falcon.
Knowing this would kill Han, Kyp attacks Gantoris. Why not take out the Death Star he points out. Telling Kyp that he's soft, he points the Sun Crusher at the control center of the prototype.
Seeing what's going on, and that all of the slaves are safe, Chewie and a couple commandos take over an assault shuttle and go after the Sun Crusher.
The Sun Crusher successfully takes out the command center and the prototype is destroyed. But engine damage caused by the Falcon and by Chewie's blaster fire forces a landing. Luke tells Mara to help keep Corran calm. He says he has to face Gantoris and Kyp alone.
As the Sith survey the damage the Falcon and the shuttle land. Luke steps out as Chewie and the commandos race to the Falcon. Giving his students a chance to surrender, he tells them they must answer for their crimes.
Gantoris is having none of it. As Luke and Gantoris battle. Han, Mara and Corran step off the Falcon. Han tries to reason with Kyp, who is still bitter over being a slave on Kessel, and losing his family. He ignites his lightsaber. Mara ignites hers, and the battle begins.
As Mara and Kyp evenly duel, Luke is clearly taking advantage of Gantoris, whose anger is rising. Accusing Luke of being a Republic puppet, his eyes turn yellow. Any shred of Gantoris is now gone. Kyp disarms Mara and hits her with Force Lightning.
Han tries to talk to Kyp but is slammed against the Falcon. His eyes now turning yello as well. He joins the battle against Luke. Gantoris and Kyp attack with lightning but Luke blocks it. Kyp tells Luke he can't be brought back to the light.
Luke realizes he must stop them now, or they will kill him. As Gantoris strikes with hid lightsaber, Luke cuts his arm off at the shoulder. Kyp takes Gantoris's lightsaber and attacks Luke, who cuts off Kyp's legs. Luke stands over them and tells his students this ends now.
On the Falcon, Chewie has tried detonating bombs left in the Installation but cannot. Corran suddenly realizes why. All the bombs have been removed and on their way to where Luke and Mara are standing.
Gantoris tells Luke it's not over as the bombs float by and resume their countdown. Not wanting to die this way, Kyp attacks Gantoris with lightning, and Gantoris attacks back. Taking Mara with him, Luke uses Force speed to get to the shuttle and take off.
Han sews whats happening and gets the Falcon off. They leave as the installation explodes, killing Kyp and Gantoris. The wannabe Sith Lords are no more.
Back at Coruscant, Luke testifies at the Senate about what happened. Mon Mothma, now healed and a civilian makes an impassioned plea to not allow the Jedi to be exterminated again. Luke tells the Senate he was willing to turn Gantoris and Kyp to face trial for their actions.
As Luke reminds the Senate, the dark side still exists. And as practitioners of light, darkness will always be present. Others may turn, but now if that time comes, there will be a way to handle it.
Meanwhile in Imperial space, Gilad Pellaeon us promoted to Vice Admiral and takes back the Chimera from a warlord. On Yavin, Brakiss is made aware he is an Imperial agent. He won't stay with the Jedi much longer.
With help from Wedge Antilles, the Sith temples on Yavin are bombed, save for the remote one Gantoris had found. Luke will use that to instruct his students on the danger of the dark side. And he hopes Brakiss will not succumb to it the way Gantoris and Kyp did.
End thread.

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