1/ This is probably just low-grade depression from almost reaching the finish line of my book, but I can't shake my sadness, today, at the friends I've lost by speaking out against Trump, and, more importantly, the damage being done to our country in recent months.
2/ Trump might win by stoking the fears and prejudices of my own people - white evangelical Christians. If he does, the WAY he wins will be worse than the fact that he won. It will be MY people, who are supposed to be about the Prince of Peace, who will buy his rage and fear.
3/ There will always be violent extremists on every side. What's different, now, is a president who intentionally drives division and hatred. Trump is an abuser of the highest magnitude, and my own people are his biggest enablers.
4/ I'm so sad to see Christians, the people with whom I've danced at weddings and mourned at funerals, fall for the same old nationalistic, tribal, disinforming, fear-mongering tactics that authoritarians use all the time to take power. It's crushing to me to see it happen.
5/5 It's our fault Donald Trump is president. We were foolish. But we'll be exponentially more complicit if he's reelected. We're forcing a lawless abuser onto the rest of the nation in the name of Christ. We're no longer foolish. Our eyes are wide open. We're just cynical, now.
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