When your body of work, your achievements, your impact, your competition and your success is all measured against American standards, and you're consistently and constantly racialized within that context, then yes, you are POC without living in America https://twitter.com/kookwarmer/status/1300094027212099585
This isn't true just for BTS. I'm a professional writer whose publications will be tagged BIPOC because my work is measured against US contemporaries, discussed and published in US venues, and reviewed by US based reviewers and organizations. Unfortunately, that's the default.
These Wikipedia definition arguments never hold water because the real world is so much more nuanced? Kpop didn't go mainstream until it went mainstream in the US. Parasite didn't release globally until it received an Oscar. Most anime popular in India is filtered first thru USA
It's not possible to escape the US cultural hegemony anywhere, I just think people should be cognizant of that. How many bookstores in the US carries books published in India, versus how many bookstores in India carry books published by the US?
Again not BTS, but in publishing circles a number of American editors are aware of this and trying to fund buying more foreign work for their magazines, because this is SO bad that local authors/artists often don't get a chance over American contemporaries in their own countries
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