LOL @ a self-identified "white, straight, able-bodied author" telling marginalized authors what an event made FOR US should be about. (e.g. she wanted to participate in DVPit & wrote a whole blog post justifying it after saying she was aware she shouldn't) BTW she DID participate
I keep thinking of the quote "When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression." (can't find where this quote originated)

Every year, white/cis/abled authors DM/email the DVPit board asking for permission to participate...
...It's hard bc as a group of qPOC we're made to feel like "bad guys" if we say 'no.' That's why we say it's up to you if you think you qualify. We DON'T mean that you should flagrantly disregard the spirit of DVPit which is to uplift *historically underrepresented voices* in pub
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