Ordered by who is allowing utility shutoffs on the most # of unemployed households
@GovAbbott @GovRonDeSantis @PennsylvaniaGov @GovPritzker @GovMurphy @GovMikeDeWine
@NC_Governor @GovWhitmer @GovKemp @GovBillLee @GovHolcomb @GovLarryHogan

Instructions to stop this in thread 1/7 https://twitter.com/213axelrod/status/1299518577523986445
If you're the governor or a politico reading this, you know that the regulatory body for your state's utilities can stop utility shutoffs

States' supplementation of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program doesn't even cover utility debt, we have IL testimonials on that 2/7
If you're in the US reading this I started & will finish a thread advising how to use the system to stop shutoffs & evictions in each state linked 👇🏻

General steps to stop utility shutoffs are also included below for state, county, & municipal actions 3/7
1) Find your state's utility regulatory body & look for the phone instructions to file an informal complaint. Demand #NoUtilityShutoffs.

2) Find your state-representative & state-senator. Demand they pass legislation on this. Calendar is not perfect 👇🏻4/7 https://www.ncsl.org/portals/1/Documents/ncsl/2020_session_calendar1.pdf
3) Find 1 person on your county & municipal boards, ask them to ask legal counsel if they have the power to add steps to the utility shutoff process.

4) If yes, demand they add steps to the eviction & utility shutoffs processes which they may then freeze.

You can do it ✊🏻 5/7
If these steps don't work, then I expect to see a combination of protests, increased #COVID19 deaths & voter suppression.

The rhetoric on the USPS is narrow. If people lose housing they are way less likely to vote.

Demand #NoUtilityShutoffs #NoEvictions✊🏻

Sources are 👇🏻6/7
@jolluxhart @AlissaVierra @LoganPMiddleton tagging as requested, solidarity!
You can follow @213axelrod.
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