Good time to point out Rod Rosenstein is now in private practice representing an Israeli tech firm that the Senate Intelligence Committee identified as a foreign interference actor for the Trump Campaign.
Everyone is entitled to lawyers, and lawyers shouldn’t be demonized for representing clients. But it’s hard not to see a pretty big conflict of interest here for Mr. Rosenstein. Couldn’t *anyone* else at the firm hired by NSO Group take this on?
Here’s article detailing Senate Intel’s recent efforts to curb NSO Group’s spyware presence in the US. NSO is not to be confused with other Israeli firms, like Psy Group, who made direct overtures to the Trump campaign offering election assistance.
But the firms are interconnected. NSO Group owns one subsidiary that does work for Oleg Deripaska; another worked with Michael Flynn. Psy Group and other related companies were also connected to the Trump campaign. You’d think Rosenstein would want to stay far away from all this.
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