a thread about the DID/OSDD arg theory from the pov of a system
ARG: alternate reality game
DID: dissociative identity disorder
OSDD: otherwise specificed dissociative disorder
back in 2019 wilbur made an arg after sending an email to jacksucksatlife. this thread will have spoilers so go watch the playlist on jacks channel and read through the google doc on the arg
- the whole thing about the end of the arg, how he says about "dying" and how he "doesnt want to go" and about how the "real" wilbur etc etc
[ in systems alters can go "dormant" which is like a deep sleep, almost like dying ]
- the change of conditions
[ at the start of the arg he is seen to be in an abandoned building, then later on things have changed randomly. this may be due to dissociative amnesia, where alters may not remember what happens outside in the body ]
- the change of personality
[ at the start wilbur is scared and skiddish, then later on he goes from having glasses on and off. sometimes alters need glasses, perhaps they were co-on or switching rapidly and an alter needs glasses (sometimes alters can have alements that others+
+dont, including mental illneses)


- the spiral galaxy song

[ the lyrics sort of relate to headspace and the experience of being a system but its someone elses song so ??? ]
- weird mentions of abuse randomly
[ this happened more recently+
+(or atleast ive only seen it recently) so it might not be related to the ARG, but childhood trauma is why DID/OSDD forms)
- the codes
[ sometimes alters dont speak the same language as the body, i myself have seen an alter who talks in binary and we have those whom speak in +
+ emojis due to being non verbal ]

this doesn't cover EVERYTHING in the whole story but maybe if this is factual it could help people piece together the rest
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