artists who were closeted in the music industry
i think that at this point we all know very well how this shit works. the artists are closeted by their contract and their management, they tell them that if they come out their careers would be over. they perform stunts and false relationships for the press
tw// suicide
mark once said “i felt that i was never going to be able to come out” he also admitted that he had suicidal thoughts when he dealt he couldn’t be openly gay
fear is one of the biggest obstacles for an artist. they've worked their arses off to get where they are, finally achieved their dream, and the fear that it will all collapse on them if they reveal who they truly are can be overwhelming. it's not an easy choice.
ricky martin:
“and even though we have out gay artists now, i don't think they can express themselves and their sexuality in a way a straight person can... I feel like there's a level of 'gay-ness' that people will accept." olly alexander - years & years
"music industry keeps gay artists in glass closet" adam lambert
sam smith was always seen with a female to cover for the fact that he was gay. just because a male artist is seen with women, it does not mean he is straight.
there’s of course more cases of closeting in the industry, but i just wanted to put these here as an example.
i also want to clarify that i would never put a label on anyone (expect L&H) all i’m doing is put these cases here. i do believe they are together
an homosexual relationship, but that doesn’t mean that i’m forcing anything on them. as L said “people can believe what they want to believe” and i have never been or will be disrespectful towards anyone related to them.
i do believe that they are together and have been together for a very long time,if you think otherwise it’s okay and i completely respect your opinion as well as i hope you respect mine.
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