(1 of 8) For Lebron James and the Rest of the Pro Athletes.

Pro Sports in America is dying in front of our very eyes. This will be a story taught in business schools across America for decades to come.
(2 of 8) The story is about how to kill a multi-billion-dollar empire overnight with just your big mouth. It’s about killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
(3 of 8) It’s about the massive disconnect between the stars of sports and their customers- the people who pay their grossly inflated and obscene salaries.
(4 of 8) You are killing yourselves. It’s clearly suicide. Stop talking politics. Soon, you’re going to be playing in front of empty stands. Soon, your ratings will plummet even further.
(5 of 8) Soon, your apparel and memorabilia will stop selling. You’ve made a tragic mistake and miscalculation.
(6 of 8) I have the perfect idea for the NFL players thinking of forfeiting a game this season in “honor” of Jacob Blake, the career criminal, sexual assaulter, fighting police on the ground, threatening to kill cops with a knife.
(7 of 8) If that person is worth taking a stand over, then I think you should quit football. Become a full-time social justice warrior. It doesn’t pay $5 to $10 million per year. You’ll make about $25,000 a year. How’s that sound?
(8 of 8) Are you willing to give up football to fight full-time for social justice? I didn’t think so. So, forgive me if all of your customers aren’t on your team on this one.

Read the rest of this great article here: https://webmail.reagan.com/a/webmail.php?wsid=863a097b48fd42d4a2fab91a37aea927-953fda5d33ec47d1b90d339415e5bfec
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