Shaming isn’t even the biggest problem. I’m a disabled woman, and I’ve been down this road of people trying to convince me that gender conformity will eliminate my access needs more times than I can count.

That’s noise. I know how to tune it out.
The problem isn’t the shame noise. The problem is that I can’t find the *signal*.

Breastfeeding coercion culture is so strong that information about how to plan to formula feed is being actively withheld.

Even formula companies aren’t that helpful.
Nearly everything I can find — even the non-judgmental stuff — assumes breastfeeding as the goal.
Resources along the lines of “sometimes plans don’t work out” are really important for people who are feeling guilty about needing to supplement or needing to switch to formula.

They’re not so helpful for planning to use formula from the beginning.
Access to accurate information matters on a number of levels.

So does representation.
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