Decision fatigue is REAL.

Each day you are sub-consciously making thousands of decisions.

You might not realise this, but your brain certainly does.

Let me explain how this works and how YOU can make better decisions...


It’s estimated that the average adult will make over 30,000 decisions a day.

From the neglected tasks like what you’re having for dinner that evening,

to major decisions that decide on your short term (or long term) future.

And this constant decision making is tiring...

You make a decision, and this takes up brain power.

When you‘re making that decision, you’re also weighing up several options in the meantime.

Your mind and energy levels will feel this.

So, how exactly do you protect that limited brain power each day?

1. Direction.

Every day, you need to have direction and a structure to work with.

This comes from:

- Effective planning;
- Effective goal setting;
- Knowing your priorities.

Fail to have a direction and you’ll be weighing up more options,

in turn using up more energy.

2. Automation.

Automate as many tasks as you can, especially those not directly connected to your end goal.

This can be technology wise,

or even psychologically.

Yes, even something like limiting your outfits each day does actually have its benefits...

3. Delegation.

I’ll come clean here, I have historically been bad at this.

I’ve been guilty of doing tasks myself for ‘efficiency’, which I could have delegated elsewhere.

Output and energy levels suffer because of this.

So, how do you delegate effectively?

Delegation is about trust and efficiency.

To effectively delegate you should;

- Choose the right person for the job;
- Provide clear instructions;
- Delegate responsibility *and* authority.

Trust me, your life will improve massively once you learn how to properly delegate.

To finish off, a couple more vital points:

- Sleep matters (getting the amount of sleep YOU personally need);

- Take a break;

- Don’t eat crap foods consistently;

- Have confidence in the decisions you make.

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