I blame humans, 100%. Sorry, but it’s the truth. I love in FL and people let their house pets wander and they’re not fixed. I have a cat, he is strictly indoor, and he’s fixed. Ferals get a bad rep, but I can’t blame them for a situation that humans are responsible for.
I don’t want to see either animal killed, cat or bird. So find the compromise, find the middle ground. What solution can be proposed that allows both creatures to thrive? Feral cat sanctuary, run by volunteers? Relocation of the cats to the mainland states? 🤷🏼‍♀️
There needs to be a solution that stops these birds from being hunted by the cats, w/out killing the cats. Also going forward there needs to be new regulations, or a new law that will prevent this from happening again. No use correcting the prob if it’s just going to repeat.
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