Last night was a turning point. Trump needs chaos as an autocratic strongman. His message is “only I can fix it” so it has to be manufactured.

Every city will soon have aggressive big trucks with flags speeding through their streets to intimidate & cause fights (w/ cop approval)
Portland was a test. Organize on Facebook, get suburban assholes armed to the teeth to show up and drive together emboldened, then immediately scurry back home after.

Start shit, break laws, then leave. With full approval of the cops. This will hit every liberal city.
At demonstrations over the last 3yrs there’s often a small counter group of trump fans. They remind me of nihilistic kids in high school. Trump gives them a free pass to proudly be assholes & they love it.

There aren’t many of them, but they’re organizing to maximize impact.
I’ve seen them at DeVos protests, I’ve seen them at anti-gun marches, seen them at gatherings to support a new bike path(!!!). Always like 3-5 assholes waving flags, yelling, trying to start fights.

Last night my car was blocked by 200 of them spewing diesel smoke for 15min.
It’s classic GOP projection. Everything they claim anti-fascists do, they’re doing. Flout laws, disrupt things, intimidate, beat people, then bail before anyone catches them (with half-hearted cops not chasing them).

Anti fascists in Portland wore flip flops the first week.
People marching in support of black lives wore tshirts and shorts in May, and because cops see black skin as a weapon and any support of black lives as a threat, they shot and gassed everyone, and they changed to defensive clothing.

Portland cops are escalating everything.
Fox News will be all Portland news this week. Truckers blaring horns at 55mph on streets are his new beautiful boaters. They’ll happily hand trump his fake “blue collar cred” that lets every Joe the Plumber rolling coal think he’s on the right side of history.

We’re so fucked.
“Civil War Pop-Ups” is the best description of this phenomenon.
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