Have been trying to find an analogy for the ‘lecturers are lazy’, ‘online is easier’ accusation. Consider lecturers as musicians. Lecture courses are a bit like playing a live album. Once you’ve written the songs, you can normally pull off a good enough performance to please 🎶
Putting the music/teaching online though is a whole new gig. You have to record the tracks - lots of takes & struggling with tech. You have to rescript it & battle with more tech for the videos to go with them. And the album artwork (course handbook) needs to look good too 🎧
Then you have to work out how to set up your weekly live online events to promote the album & run the online ‘fan club’ to answer questions and provide that sense of personal connection 👩‍🎤
And then - as we’re aiming for blended learning - you have to work out what to do with the live personal appearances, which are going to be a bit like the merch stand chat but with everyone 2m distant 🤔
The live lecture undoubtedly has a certain something, and I hope it will return when it’s safe, but it’s a *lot less* work than all of the above ☝️
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