I'm so tired of leftbro drama;

This thread;

-clarifies what people's beef is, without any of the self indulgent drama certain social media stirrers on all sides engaged in
-may seem damning, or unsurprising and kind of meh, based on your relation to unions. https://twitter.com/ShergoldDavid/status/1299667884814159877
FYI anyone who hasn't done much unionism;

-its not that surprising or damning. Bitter factionalism aside, the left and unions are all still mostly on the same side.

-overlapping skills, networks and info sharing is also standard for unions, charities, think tanks, govt.
The thread is about the donations, and I did not know that about where some went.

But the "whose who" re: Per Capita etc is just connecting dots that other unionists or anti-poverty already knew.

Or would suspect and be fine with re: left norms.

AUWU is still a necessary union.

And it's not surprising they had a stuff up, considering they're a independent union that had freakishly rapid growth.

But certain social media guys could have just said this and dealt with it, without months of gross drama.
It is so telling that;

-white social media guys are taking sides on Jordy vs Max
-pro-Jordy guys thinks its a REVEAL that right and left union guys, who act like enemies in public, are still a boys club in private
-women unionists are just: "who has the f--king time for this!?"
Guys guys: you have been SO bloody misogynist.

Jordy did an "expose" of this?


That self absorbed guy hosted a total Zionist and MRA to mock the unemployed for his own pathetic clicks.

A lot of this was obvious already, he drew it out to go all Latham with it.
And the AUWU may be better overall, but some of you guys need to get your heads pulled in.

Lyons, Poxon, MaxCuddles, Alex: I've had several unrelated women who are experienced organizers and pro-AUWU, randomly DM me about your boys club crap.

Guys at the top, never AUWU women.
There was no need to draw this drama out, and encourage women in poverty to fight with each other and get trolled by your fans in the interim.

Bloody self indulgence that well connected white men in the Oz left can get away with, unlike almost everybody else.
LOL @godwingrech RT'd a tweet from this thread into a pro-Jordy, anti-AUWU smear account.

Left misogyny: when union women say you're all making drama at the expense of poors, especially women poors, and they RT you to KEEP DOING IT.

Solidarity, cunts.
Also: the way mental health is being weaponized here for factional drama is gross and unethical.

Stop saying something is bad when the other faction does it, then doing it yourself.

What kind of standard are you setting?
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