(1) Bruh. They’re lying to us about Covid deaths. The media is generalizing every death of someone that had Covid in their system as a specifically Covid caused death. I saw someone post about this and had to check for myself. Link to CDC site 👇🏻

(2) Go to table 3. Clearly says 6% of the deaths were COVID only. There were on average, 2 (2.6 technically) additional conditions the person also had (respiratory diseases, circulatory diseases, etc) when they died. Table 3 has the list of all of them if you keep scrolling down.
(3) The total deaths they have reported (as of 8/26/20) are 161,392. And if only 6% of those were from covid alone..

161,392 X .06 = 9,683.52 👈🏻

Which means roughly 9,683 healthy people with no pre-existing medical conditions, caught it and died.
(4) This isn’t a conspiracy theory. The CDC quietly updated their site two weeks ago. This is basic math and reading what’s right in the open on a government website. I saw it on another post and felt like it needed to be explained better which is why I made this thread..
(5) Going deeper, a HUGE majority of deaths (148,083) came from people aged 55+. We’ve been told for months it’s more dangerous for older people. But it’s almost exclusive only to older people with existing conditions... those people still matter and their deaths are tragic 🙏🏻..
(6) But know it’s not some boogeyman virus that can kill anyone like the media tries to make it seem. What’s even crazier about that table is the connotation they put next to the “Total Covid deaths”.. scroll to below the table to see. It literally says “confirmed or PRESUMED”
(7) ..Meaning they don’t even know if the numbers they count as Covid deaths are even accurate lol. But they keep telling the American people Covid is still killing us (leaving out these important stipulations) why?.. interpret how you want, but the info is all right there..
(8) ALSO important to note. Over 2 million people had COVID and have recovered. Stop living in fear and realize how much control the media has over our thoughts and feelings. Do your own research and remember... Ghislaine Maxwell is still on trial.
#only6percent #GhislaineMaxwell
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