Now that #TheOwlHouse and #InfinityTrain are on hiatus, #Amphibia is now the only show currently still airing new episodes worth checking out.

I hope people take this time to watch it as it is such an underappreciated show...
It's first season came out just after the end of SVTFOE, which caused some fans of that show to hate on it, thinking it replaced theirs. Then, Disney bomb premiered it's first season in under a month, leaving barely any room for people to theorize, and a very long hiatus...
Then, when it did return for it's 2nd season, it got kinda overshadowed by TOH returning as well. The one big news I did kinda see about it was it paying homage to Gravity Falls.
#Amphibia is a real underdog of a cartoon, that deserves more love!

If you haven't yet watched it, I can't recommend it enough.
You can follow @forever_gf618.
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