tw : animal abuse

Cute frog pictures that have been (likely) made with cruel methods that you should avoid sharing : A thread
Photograph by Hendy Mp. Frogs usually don't open their mouth unless they are distressed, like when eaten by snakes. It's also very unlikely they would hop on a beetle or other animals. The positions in these pictures are also very unatural and external force has likely been used
Photograph by Tanto Yensen. Once again, frogs or other animals don't interact often, much less like this. These animals have likely been frozen or are dead, and been glued together to makes these pictures possible.
Photograph by Penkdix Palme. Frogs LOVE water, they need it to stay naturally moisted, meaning it's very unlikely they would use a leaf umbrella. Not only that but the red bruses on the legs is a sign of potential ingury and Palme claims the frog stayed in that position for 30min
Photograph by Shikhei Goh. Frogs can't give middle fingers, their muscle don't allow it, and like you have seen on the pictures, they are staged. Also these frogs were not in their natural habitat when these pictures were taken
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So what can you do against it? If you see a picture of a frog or any animal that you find unatural, there is a high probability for it to be staged, fake, and involve animal abuse. Many people aren't aware of this, and continue to share pictures like this.
If you see these pictures online, please notice the people that shared it about the issues involved in these pictures and ask them to avoid sharing similar ones. Many of these photographers also recieved prices from magazines for these pictures, so it needs to be called out.
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