Following un my previous post about combination weapons, here is the thread about strange but Fascinating firearms.
Please upload more if you have some.
The interest started with this gun ring called “le petit Protector” and it’s smaller sister, the “femme fatale”.
Now, have those ever been used?Difficult to say. As a deterant maybe? But they have this weird aesthetic that a woman likes when this girl is a comic book artist :)
Then I discovered the duck’s foot pistols. Especially designed to fight against mutiny or mobs. Accuracy be screwed
Then came the odd multi barrels or bullet chambers, and at times, when people were looking for more efficient or faster ways to kill their fellow humans, Damn, they were creative.
And also one of the weirdest. The key gun, used by prison guards , in Jails.
At the other end of the spectrum, I give you the Hand Mortar. Ancestor of grenade launcher. First ones from as early as 16th century, highly unreliable but what a nice design tho
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