The reason why I hate Baudet and the FvD is not necessarily him or the party themselves, but rather what they're normalising.

Baudet frequently uses alt-right dogwhistles like "cultural marxism", but uses them in a vague enough way to get away with it when confronted.
he also often switches positions on topics to what suits him or the party's base, such as when in the beginning of the pandemic he criticised the cabinet for not having harsh enough measures,before switching to saying that the measures were too harsh, because his base thought so.
he's also a very frequent liar, such as when he made up a story about Dutch Moroccans harassing female friends of his, and even upon being confronted with the truth he manoeuvred his way out of having any responsibility by being giving vague statements as always.
FvD's base also undeniably has altright tendencies, such as when the youth wing of his party got in hot water for anti-semitic/racist/etc messages in their whatsapp groups. While he may oppose such ideas, the fact they felt comfortable enough to air such messages speaks volumes.
but without dragging this on for too long, this is why I despise and pretty much hate the guy and the party, because they are normalising some very worrying ideas with these actions and the language he uses, which is why I pretty much hate the guy.
also, the reason why I locked this thread to only people who follow me is because I'm not in the mood to argue with Dutch people who have the brainworms of his cult and defend him and the party at all costs, even when the facts disagree.
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