Calling all Brexiteers your PM & Government NEED YOU.
The next few weeks & months are going to see intense sustained attacks on the Government by the media & the establishment all with one intention.
To bring down the government & derail Brexit negotiations.
Stand strong hold the line keep the faith get Brexit negotiations delivered deal of no deal.
Remember WTO is actually a deal in itself.
Boris & the Government are delivering what we voted for so give them support to complete Brexit negotiations.
Then once completed you can and should quite rightly demand action on all the other things that are irking you.
But then you’ll have the opportunity to use your vote.
But you know what too many of you don’t vote!
Apathetic non voters are idiots in my view.
If you are the type of person that doesn’t vote then don’t bother replying to me because you don’t deserve to have an opinion on the government or any thing affecting your lives.
You’re an idiot in my opinion.
You can follow @ghost_wales.
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