My Sunday morning ... I think it's day 167 of #longcovid.
😷🌡️ #longcovid.
I have only started taking my temp again after reading my son's school's "safe return to school" guidance. I feel so guilty that I am not better.
Bank holiday Monday and now my O2 isn't that great....
#longcovid, day 168... haven't even checked my temp yet.
#longcovid.... haven't quite hit the 38C today (yet?)
Oh, I hit 38C by the way... yeah!
Good morning.... and welcome September. I started symptoms on 16 March. 😕🌡️

Have spoken to GP... and what's your Tuesday morning like? Long Covid Day 169.

#longcovid #fever 😩🌡️
Blurry like me... #longcovid day 170. Hope it doesn't climb higher... fingers crossed.
GP doesn't care about fever. Had CT scan last week but (private!) consultant has been rearranging follow up appointment for 3 times, now on Friday instead of today. Neither doctor cares about my temp. AIBU to assume my scans must be ok but why do I have a fever? #longcovid 😢
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