Stop comparing your life to people who are literally born into money. I learnt that lesson early in my career. I was managing people who could fly to London for a weekend to buy new clothes, while I couldn't even afford a car. Don't depress yourselves, beloveds.
Or even comparing where you are in life versus people who are 10 - 15 years older than you. What's the point? If you're just starting out in your career, why are you stressed about senior people who can afford designer, travel and and and. These things don't happen overnight
I'm seeing people asking @SizweDhlomo about his home. I'm Sizwe's age peer, but he has an entire family dynasty on his side. I'm the first person in my family with a university degree. Why'd I come on here and depress myself about what he has.
I started my career in glossy magazines when glossy magazines were an actual thing. I'm so thankful that I didn't get caught in the comparison game, because my then colleagues were living lives I STILL can't afford, 10 - 15 years later.
When I went to Stellenbosch University, it was my first meaningful interaction with white people. It was not uncommon for my classmates' parents to buy them houses or flats for the 4 years they'd spend there. I quickly learned to not get chest pains about others' lives.
You need to accept WHO you are and WHERE you are in life and make decisions about where YOU want to go, based on your life, not someone else's reality. I know I'll never be a billionaire, but I know what comfort looks like FOR ME and how hard I'm willing to work for it.
You need to figure out what ENOUGH looks like for you and make peace with that. There will always be people with more, people who get lucky, people with generational wealth. Are you going to spend your life being frustrated or living your life?
I see too many younger people come onto the Internet and have distorted views on what they SHOULD be achieving. Setting their pace according to millionaires' lives. Steep yourself in reality, please guys. It's not comfortable, but it's the best thing for your sense of self.
Related: @thulasindi and I always talk about this weird expectation that you should be 25 with a wardrobe filled with designer. It's not normal to be 25 with wall to wall Louis Vuitton. What happened to the idea that these are 'milestone' purchases as you get older?
I know people are going to be like 'it's all good for you to talk, J, you have a nice life'. I'm 36 (!!), worked hard, got VERY LUCKY, have a 2 income home with no kids, but I was also raised in a single parent household in a township. I know what my realm of possibility is.
It's nice to 'aspire' guys, but don't get caught up in the comparison game. Don't put pressure on yourself to live other people's lives. ✌️
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