#TAEMIN & the ❤🖤🤍 colors

He's been using a lot of red in all his solo albums, if it's not clothing it would be the lighting or set designs

Red is the color of extremes, of passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger & adventure.
#NeverGonnaDanceAgain #Criminal #Act1
The red color used in set designs/lighting/props

Taemin is consistent in using monochromatic red & black photos & red backdrop, curtain/silk cloth/flowers.
Red in cinema is related to the forbidden, controversial, sexual, it'll be very present in violent or passionate stories.
In almost all of his concerts, there shall be presented a set of red outfit, the off-sick concert is kind of the establishing point (including his costume in BKK last year because it's sort of his concert)
If there isn't any red outfit, then the red will be in his goods.
With that's said, Ace is the only album where the red is little to not present in the album. Maybe some stage costume but even the album ver are only Black & White

Innocent ver in NGDA is also in Black & White. Innocent means pure & the purest of human is when they're born(cont)
Ace is the point where the soloist Taemin is born, when he was at the purest form of a newborn soloist.
Maybe somehow Innocent ver will have a meaning of "back to square one"

I mean the evidence for innocent ver has Taemin lying on the grass 👀 only Ace album has that imagery
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