A big thing I never wanna forget are the people along the way that have inspired / motivated me to make videos. Wanna make a thread on this. Yes this is a serious tweet LMAO
@jacksfilms is so fucking funny. I've been watching his stuff for about four years and holy shit he's just so fucking funny. a large part of my humor and all my sarcasm with my followers comes from him.
@jschlatt is also fucking hilarious. he has an "edgier" sense of humor, but hes also extremely intelligent. he's down to earth in his own, unique, way. He has a video style that I really like and its really shaped my videos as of recently.
@nakeyjakey is extremely down to earth, and he's honest. Something I wish I was more often on my channel. I like his video essay format mixed with a light hearted sense of humor. It's something I seriously love
Also there's content creators I don't watch anymore but were big inspirations. @Tobuscus and @pewdiepie are both people I watched as a kid and inspired me to make content.
I also wanna take a second and thank my friends who have supported me. It's Just Stigma doesn't have a Twitter, but he's been there since day one. @NoughSmash does have a Twitter, and has also been extremely supportive and just a good friend even when I haven't been.
Green Lamb Gaming and Nough Smash's better half, cranberry_soup are all great people who are also just hilarious. I don't know where I'd be without them at times.
This thread really only exists so I can sort of humble myself out, so if this like blows up or something uhh go sub to my YT lol
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