1. “There have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide *following* JK Rowling’s statements” is not libel

2. It’s true!

3. Shitty things TERFs say has an impact on trans kids. *That’s* why you want to silence Mermaids talking about suicide - not Samaritans guidance! https://twitter.com/victoriapeckham/status/1299433784048312321
How else can @Mermaids_Gender talk about the FACT that trans kids are hurting themselves in response to the trans-hostile things that they hear from influential individuals, the media, and transphobic members of the public?

It’s a shameful TRUTH that people need to know! 😞
Hostile anti-trans campaigners are DESPERATE to keep trans kids suicide statistics quiet, as it would make them MONSTERS to be attacking trans kids the way they do! 😖

That’s why they cite Samaritans guidance - as a silencing tactic! They don’t actually care about it! 🙄
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