@republic @ishkarnBHANDARI @navikakumar PLZ NOTE - India Today released Kursee Chawda’s statement to Mumbai Police. In that he mentions that Rhea called him on 8th June saying Sushant was feeling depressed again. SM IMP POINTS TO NOTE - please read thread!
1- Dr. Chawda on 8th June tells Rhea that if #Sushant doesn’t take his meds he could end up taking an extreme step. He knew that Sushant had discontinued his medicines in Feb itself (accd to his statement). So why did he SUDDENLY in June feel that Sush could do something extreme?
2 - When Dr. Chawda informed Rhea is this possibility, did she tell anyone at home? #Pithani had mentioned she said take care of him while leaving, but did she EXPLICITLY mention that he could do something drastic and needs to be under CONSTANT watch?
3 - Did she think to be responsible enough that this information should reach the family? Especially the sister who was coming to live with him???
4- She also mentioned in her interview that Sushant had asked her to go - she didn’t want to leave and that she kept waiting for Sush to call her. When he messaged her on the 9th - WHY DID SHE THEN BLOCK HIM? Having known the repercussions SHE BLOCKED HIM. Is that not Abatement?
6 - On one side she says I waited for him to call me. He didn’t call but DID message and her reaction was to BLOCK? All of it seems way too convenient doesn’t it?
7 - The fact that the doc just a week before his death thinks that discontinuation of medicines could lead to something extreme is also fish beyond measure! THIS NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO! @ishkarnBHANDARI @republic @navikakumar
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