Some of ya’ll act like you haven’t done/said anything wrong in your life or within your tight circle of friends and family, or behind closed doors when you are singing along to your favorite song. Everyone has said stupid shit before. What determines racism is intent to harm...
What has been said was a mistake, a dark joke poorly timed during a period of civil unrest. Was it funny? Yeah I snorted, and I remembered why the joke is dark to begin with. Because that is what dark jokes are, a statement in which a taboo subject is enlightened through humor...
You’ve made someone I genuinely care for upset to the point where they were having spasms. I fucking loathe the individuals who casted the first stones, acting as if they themselves were offended. You are not a white knight, you are a leech. Feeding off internet clout to bump...
yourself some extra likes and a few followers so they can read you spam about how Sydney Prescott needs to be in dbd all day or how you want pyramid head to smash your crusty ass pussies/assholes into oblivion. Stfu...
You are not doing anyone a favor canceling everyone for every mistake. If you truly have a vision of a better community, privately approach the offender, explain why their statement can be interpreted as harmful. If they respectfully comply and retract their statement. Move on...
If they dont. Report them and then move on. Let moderators do their jobs. If you feel indifferent about this thread, leave a comment or dm me. I would love to have an engaging conversation with you.
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