CONFIRMED #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน is joining #F4Thailand with 3 newbies of GMM. Spoiler Alerts!! Here.
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I will update all info about #F4Thailand tonight #BRIGHTWIN #ไบร์ทวิน have to be excited for this.
And yes they spoiled us already here.
First of all, May I introduce our Dao Ming Si. And it goes to ...... 🐺🌞
And our Win will be the supportive role "Xi Men" which I am so upset. Because Win deserve better. 🐰😥
As I said, because of the following of Bright and Win has change and they started to follow the same people in nearly time. They are 2 newbies handsome actor of GMM. And here they are....
Do you see the follower bar? They are following each others. And by looking at Win IG, He usually won't follow the one he does not work with. 😌🤭
And I noticed that bright and win usually liked Tu Tontawan IG, and I found that it's more often. So how about if she is the lead Actress of F4Thailand. "Shan Cai"
And Former of some hint on IG, This is show that Dew will play as "Hua Ze Lei"
And For sure Nani will play as the last one of F4Thailand, with cute playboy look. "Mei Zuo"
The 4 emoji of this pic remind me to The F4 songs if you are a big fan of F4, you will know what is the meaning in the series. 😌
Btw, I like Tu tontawan if she will play as Shan Cai, but yes! some anti-fan of bright also noticed that bright clicked like her photo on ig more often that Win's ig. I hope everythin will be fine. If they are agreed to work together even not as a couple anymore. I WISH NO DRAMA.
Then, Please looking forward to the project. I wish that they will get love and full of support from us untill Sarawat and Tine meet again. Love you #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน whatever happens just remember I will always with you.
See you guys soon F4Thailand. ❤
And I want to answer all of you where i get the news from. It because of this
Mark my words! #F4Thailand secret is not secret❤😌
Could not agree more, but I still hope Win deserve more than Xi Men. 🙏😌
Wish all #ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin all the happiness for this September, and for this Thread,All is from my effort about following them 24/7 because I am not Thai BrightWins, I just try to get closer and more prepare to support them so and let me hear your thoughts if you dont mind.
I know right😅 my Thai friend used to be so excited about this before, so do I? 😏 #F4Thailand secrets is no secret if you are soooo famous😝 #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน
Because of his interview, I also hope that they gonna change his role. 😌
Just want to say, you should Wait and See untill the magic "October" comes, 😏. Thank you for reading my thread and I will update anything I can find asap. LOVE❤
Update! for F4Thailand, They have finished filming the trailer. And expected to begin filming the first queue in November. Please looking forward to the trailer, It may launch in October. 😌🙄 So Dissapointed because I hope Win deserve more than this role.
He confirmed by himself, F4Thailand is coming 😭😌😏 #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน
I hate it here, but I try to accept all of thier decision. 😭
Finally, Thailand Reporter shows some gossip about #F4Thailand and #ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin but I am so surprise about the word "Pra Rong"
It means my info may be wrong, Win may change his role as the Hua Ze lei, because in Thai Meaning shouldn't be the 3rd role as Xi men.
#ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin so can I be happy now? 😭
Btw, my all Thai friends 99% dont want them to join this project, They hate the plot, (Me too 🙄) I hope everything could change, I pray to god everyday, so Please help us. 🙏
#BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน #F4Thailand
And my Friends #ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin #F4Thailand
If you want to know Thai Brightwins feedback go to this hashtag. 👉 #แบนF4 they are so adorable 555.
By this tweet, It's Thai general meaning should be, but the word "Pra Rong" in this story might has the meaning as the 3rd or the 4th also. 🙄 so let's pray together. #ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin #F4Thailand
Update! The #F4Thailand project is in process by ParbDee production, the same company that made "The Gifted" please wait for more information. And don't expect too much about changing 😭 #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน
If you want to prove my info, go check the Lazada photo on their IG, you'll see Bright's Uncle 'Kik_Ch' comments and also #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน they are close to each others, and being friend for a while. #F4Thailand They're part F4 for sure! 😌
Warning! And sorry for out of the topic,This is not about F4Thailand but I and My team with all us effort need to confirm that this tweet is TRUE!
But Let them be happy then. 🙏😌 #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน
Back to #F4Thailand this is another confirmation from Bright's Uncle.
And this is not secret and romor anymore. #BrightWin #ไบร์ทวิน
#ไบร์ทวิน #BrightWin #F4Thailand
I just got a "huge confirmation" now, but I can't post it here because they still not to launch the Trailer.
Btw I need to say that
"ALL of my info that i've post is TRUE" and yes! 👇
Now I have photos of them. It can proof all of my information.And I can't post it here because I might get legal action from GMM.Btw, Trust me and and my teams, we did our best, still dissapointed that we can't change anything, trying to accept this.Hope you guys ready for it.
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