Your definition of beauty is not the same as everyone else's.
If you're chasing people solely because of their looks and constantly wondering where the good ones are at, listen. Your shallow ass can't see past an ordinary label. You don't deserve ordinary.
And honestly, we don't want or need your kind.
If someone offends you or upsets you in any way and your immediate attack is on their looks, or their kids or SOs, that says a lot more about you than what you're mad about.
You can't teach or preach acceptance and turn around to bash someone for their appearance. You can't scream racism or prejudice or oppression while you're ready to attack someone else for no fucking reason.
Who people date or marry, what their kids look like, is not your concern
Not everyone is a 10. 10s aren't perfect. 1s aren't perfect and neither are 5s. Not one fucking person out there is perfect. Quit with the double standards. And quit fucking expecting people to take care of you because you think you deserve it. Maybe you do but that shit gets old
Pay your own fucking bills. That makes you more attractive. Look at your fucking face in the mirror and quit comparing it to others and then tearing others apart just because you disagree with them or aren't attracted to them. T
That fucking bitch ass mentality is fucking old and disgusting and it makes you far uglier than what we're actually looking at.
Everyone deserves love and happiness and acceptance as long as they aren't out there hurting people.
And if this offends you or rings a bell, well then, fuck you. You're probably one of those 10s I was looking at but over time, turned into a fucking 2.
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