What Not To Do As An Anti:A Thread
1:Do not harass anybody, and this goes for pro contact MAPS too, stooping to someone's level is not what we should be doing, it's childish. Instead, report them and make a callout post, there is no need for toxicity no matter who it's directed towards.
2:Do not act on impulse or your knee jerk reaction, always make sure to properly understand what someone is saying and the context of such, please also check who the person is or what kind of person they are. Bottom line, think first, react later.
3:Do not send death threats no matter how infuriated you are with someone, sending death threats or suicide bait doesn't help anybody and only needlessly escalates an already tense situation. This is especially important when dealing with AAM's and pro contact MAPS.
4:Do not use petty insults or mocking of someone's speech or appearance, it does nothing to help anyone and only makes you an asshole, it will also make it harder for whoever you're speaking to to want to listen to you or consider your argument as valid.
5:Do not say anything such as "all MAPS should die" or "all MAPS are disgusting freaks" this is not only petty, it can make AAM's more affirmed in their belief that all antis are terrible people and make it harder for them to get help or consider antis as valid.
6:Do not immediately denounce someone (wether they be an AAM or MAP) because they are pro contact, talk with them, try and change their mind or ask why they think that way, be civil, you might just be able to change someone's mindset if you approach them with kindness.
7:Do not waste your efforts going against art accounts, by diverting part of your time towards lines on paper you are wasting time in which you could be helping real children, and exposing real predators, unless the art account in question is actually a predator, DNI.
8:Do not act as if MAP is a synonym for pedophile or a synonym for predator, not all MAPS are pedophiles and not all MAPS are predators. Misinformation like this is what causes people to be harmed or mistreated, please do research before coming to your own conclusions.
9:Do not respond a MAP or zoophile with "ok pedophile" or "ok dog fucker" this not only makes you look immature, it instantly turns off any productive discussion that could've been had, it can also be entirely incorrect, they might not be a pedophile, or non practicing.
10:Do not tell MAPS or AAM's your elaborate fantasies about how you would enjoy torturing and raping them, this is not only a horrendous thing for someone to hear, it can re traumatize someone if they've been through CSA or rape, even if they're pro contact, they're still human.
11:Do not sexualize AAM's by saying any of the following things; "so you want an adult to rape you?" "So you want a grown man to fuck you?", you are sexualizing a minor, you could even be re traumatizing the minor in question if they've been through CSA or rape.
12:Do not send gore, porn, suicide bait, or death threats to anybody, MAP/AAM/Anti, anyone, sending death threats and everything else listed above is not only disgusting, it is actually illegal to do so. It can also be re traumatizing for certain people.
13:Do not fight amongst yourselves, you are not here to argue and insult each other, you are here to protect minors, to remove predators and support and help groomed children r recover. By fighting you are not only impeding that goal, you are actively making it more difficult.
14:Do not purposefully misgender MAPS, it's not okay to misgender someone no matter what they are, especially if they're transgender, the person being a MAP is no excuse for being transphobic, a lot of people don't seek to understand this. Transphobia is transphobia.
15:Do not turn private issues that need to be resolved privately, into a public spectacle, by doing this you are not only harming both parties mental health, you are also needlessly displaying them to be harassed, if it can be resolved privately, then resolve it in private.
16:Do not publicly expose a predator until they've been properly dealt with, this may cause the predator to lock up and go into hiding, only release the information to the public once the situation has been correctly resolved and handled.
17:Do not doxx or release any public information about a MAP or AAM, even if the MAP in question is a predator, doxxing them is not only illegal, but it is counterproductive to what you're trying to do. Give the information to the proper authorities and go on with your day.
If the predator is brought to justice, then doxxing them and causing them emotional distress will actually lighten their sentencing, by doxxing and harassing you are potentially letting a predator have a more lenient sentence. Please be aware of this when being an anti.
18:Do not post links or @'s to CSEM/CP accounts, if you are making a post concerning CSEM/CP accounts please do not include the @'s or direct links to the profiles, make sure to strongly discourage viewing of the accounts content, encourage reporting it properly.
19:Do not make a post concerning the accounts at all if possible, notify people privately, and report it to the FBI cyber tip to be investigated and removed safely, posting about the accounts could potentially give predators a gateway to find CSEM/CP.
20:Do not make assumptions about what the different terms and acronyms mean, MAP is an umbrella term for underage chronophilias, pro contact means pro physical contact with minors, pro consent is an odd way of saying anti contact, anti contact means against physical contact.
AAM means Adult Attracted Minor, this does not mean "having crushes on adults" it means that the minor in question is exclusively attracted to adults, OAM means Older Attracted Minor, meaning being attracted to older minors outside of their recommended age group.
Zoo means zoophile/zoosexual, non practicing means they are a zoophile that is not engaging in sexual acts with animals and is against sexual contact. NOMAP is another name for anti contact MAPS, CSEM/CP means Child Sexual Exploitation Material and Child Porn.
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