We're not heading towards a civil war.

We're IN a civil war, it's just one-sided and only the right has been stacking up a body count.

The closest thing we've had to another side fighting back is self-identified antifa facing off against the Nazis in the streets...no kills.
Right-wing pundits cheering on murders by right-wing terrorists isn't incitement, it's justification.

They see themselves winning the war, and all the right-wing propaganda is about justifying the side with the actual fucking Nazis as the good guys.
Nobody should be surprised they're just shooting people in the street now.

It was always going to escalate to this. And they'll continue escalating, continue telling lies to justify themselves up to and past the point that civilians are being rounded up en masse.
They're going to remain having all the propaganda on their side, too.

How many whine about riots and about "violent" antifa, while if you paid attention solely to mass media you'd think no right-wing group ever engaged in murder of cops or civilians, or destruction of property.
We can't get mainstream media or punditry to acknowledge that literally every example of "antifa violence" has either been an outright lie or a misrepresentation of people acting against violent right-wing gangs actively going after bystanders.
And we definitely can't get them to openly acknowledge that groups like the Threepers and the Proud Boys and other right-wing gangs/militias have actual bodycounts, have engaged in violence and murder and intend to keep doing so.
And there's zero chance anyone might ever acknowledge that the single greatest actual threat to the police is LITERALLY THE RIGHT-WING MILITIAS THEY BUDDY WITH.

So we're going to continue seeing escalation by the right, and more of it with government assistance.
It's that much worse that we have an illegitimate fascist government that not only is completely unconcerned with being illegitimate but has no plans to ever concede power, and which is actively in favor of all the aforementioned right-wing violence.
I don't get how anyone expects a return to normality even if Biden somehow does, in spite of all the open fucking lying, cheating and stealing the GOP is engaging in to ensure we never have another free and fair election, win the presidency.
Do you think all of the people who've openly been celebrating Trump and salivating at the thought of murdering the rest of us will just shrug and accept it like, "Oh well, guess there's always 2024..."?
How do you coexist with people who actively begrudge you living?

Black people said, "Stop letting cops get away with murdering us" and the right said, "Fine, we'll murder you ourselves."
And all of this shit is, by their own stated arguments, because they got "tired" of hearing that they're racist for thinking that people who aren't white have a right to live here as full citizens with equal protection under the law.
Do you ever actually take a moment to look at the framing of all their "pushed too far" bullshit?

How they frame all their grievances as if they've been long suffering but have finally had enough?

But it's all being told they're assholes for treating people like shit?
If we really wanted to look at who has the right to be tired of shit, Black women should be allowed to burn the motherfucking country down, then sit back and make the rest of us do the hard work to rebuild it.
But the right has entirely invested itself into the narrative that they're the only ones with the right to be fully treated as people, the only ones with the right to protection under the law, and the only ones allowed to be angered by real or imagined mistreatment.
And the right has been holding the monopoly on the actual political violence, on brutalizing and murdering people with impunity.

And we're going to see less and less of even judicial theater pretending to hold the murderers responsible.
I don't know what the answer to all this shit is.

We can't even throw goddamn milkshakes in return against ACTUAL FUCKING MURDERERS without media and punditry immediately clutching pearls about intolerance.

If someone actually seriously fought back?
Protestors managed to get Nazis turning tail and running with a goddamn SHIELD WALL, so it's not like we're up against an organized and disciplined enemy on that front.

But when the other side starts being tanks and rockets?
I don't know how things don't get much, much worse.

We're in a one-sided civil war in which the other side increasingly looks like it gets to be in control of the entire fucking federal government, where they keep escalating and justifying their own escalation.
I just keep looking back at how decades of anti-racist and pro-justice efforts made an assumption that anyone could, with enough time and effort, appeal to the better angels of the American soul...

...and think of how foolish it was to assume the angels exist.
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