Tomorrow, @statepress starts official production for fall (that’s right, we haven’t even started). With that milestone starting this week, I wanted to take a minute to highlight the absolutely stellar work that @piperjhansen and @wmyskow have done this summer.
With more than 20 co-bylines, and each writing more the 50(!) individual stories, we owe them a lot more money than they make.
Don’t worry, they’ll still be working just as hard and probably pumping out absurd amounts of content, but we would not have been able to do the work we did this summer without their tireless effort.
I hype them up a lot, but they deserve it, and our community is more informed than ever because of them.
oh, and one more thing, SP is gonna publish 7 days a week this year, so stay tuned for weekend content (as if we didn’t work all the time to begin w)
You can follow @andrew_howard4.
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