So today we watched the first two Bill & Teds in anticipation of the new one. I’d never seen Bogus Journey & was so delighted by William Sadler. What other actors who primarily do drama absolutely crushed a one-off* comedic role like this? Sound off!
*I mean overall, not that they’ve NEVER done comedy, just that it’s overwhelmingly NOT what they’re known for
And yes trivia nerds I know
Regret to inform the floor is closed to nominate Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder because it is in fact not actually funny
Also special shoutout to everyone spoiling part of the new movie which I absolutely indicated I had yet to see
Plus I apologize to William Sadler for tagging him in the original post, poor judgement on my part
- some very good replies
- five famous comedies/a long-running series does not equal a “one-off”
- Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder was not funny
- The Rocky Horror Picture show was a comedy as well as a musical
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